What can I do in RASSTI if I have a very long list of authors?


While we aim to have all authors included in RASSTI, we can work out exceptions in cases of over 15 co-authors.  At minimum you should include the first author, all LANL authors, and then a generic name for the collaboration.  If there are multiple important authors listed at the beginning, and there is a natural cutoff to that group, it would be good to list all those authors as well.

Also, is it a DUSA submission or Full Review?  If Full Review (non-DUSA), then it will go through the Classification Office, which is attentive to ensuring the authors on the paper match those in RASSTI--in this case you should include a comment to the effect 'Talked to RASSTI team at the Research Library and got the okay to use this shortened author list' when you submit in RASSTI.

We also have an author import tool that can grab an entire author list from an existing RASSTI record and use it to populate an Unsubmitted record. Contact the RASSTI Team at rassti@lanl.gov for more information.

  • Last Updated May 18, 2021
  • Views 179
  • Answered By Brian Cain

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