How can I submit a document under a DUSA in RASSTI? / Why is my DUSA training not showing up in RASSTI?


Submitting a document in RASSTI under a DUSA requires one-time training for both Laboratory authors/submitters and their managers. Each DUSA user takes a general DUSA training (Course #34014) and a course in each appropriate subject area.

In UTrain these trainings are structured as curricula and only managers can assign curricula. The training credit will only be seen by RASSTI when it is taken as manager-assigned curricula -- simply taking the courses is not sufficient. 

When assigned training is taken, the credit will be available in RASSTI the next business day.

Note: If courses were already taken outside the context of a curricula, a manager can assign the curricula and the credit will be available in RASSTI the following day.

How to see your assigned curricula:

On the UTrain home page, click the "My Curricula" pie chart to see a list of curricula assigned to you. 

My Curricula pie chart in UTrain

How to see your approved DUSAs:

 Use the DUSA check page.

For managers:

 Go to this link to find out how to assign curricula in UTrain.

  • Last Updated Jul 22, 2021
  • Views 172
  • Answered By Brian Cain

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