
What is STI?

STI is an abbreviation for Scientific and Technical Information. It refers to information products, in any format or medium, which contain findings and technological innovations resulting from R&D efforts and scientific and technological work of scientists, researchers, and engineers. STI may be represented in many forms, including paper, electronic data, audio, photographs, video, drawings, numeric data, textual documents, models, parts, etc.

What are RASSTI and ROSY?

RASSTI is a review and approval system for Scientific and Technical Information, or STI, that is a product of LANL programmatic work and intended for release outside the laboratory. It assigns numbers for LA-UR (Los Alamos–Unlimited Release) documents and LA-CP (Los Alamos–Controlled Publication) documents which are unclassified but controlled.  The resulting documents are collected in our institutional repository and are made available to appropriate audiences. What goes to OSTI DOE. For questions or concerns you can reach the RASSTI team at rassti@lanl.gov.

Examples: Journal articles, dissertations/theses, conference proceedings, books, book chapters, and presentations at open conferences

PD1022 (pdf) describes the Review and Release of Scientific and Technical Information (STI).

For software, disclose through the new invention and software intake system, eIDR, or contact fci-ip@lanl.gov for questions.

For classified documents, access Red RASSTI at https://redrassti.lanl.gov on the red network.

ROSY (Review Only System) is a system to facilitate the classification review of unclassified content that does not require, or meet the criteria for, assignment of an LA-UR or LA-CP number. For questions or concerns you can reach the ROSY team at rosy@lanl.gov.

Examples: Proposals, incomplete drafts, vendor communications, inter-agency communications, cloud-stored documents, progress reports to sponsor, and non-nuclear weapon schematics

Do I need to use RASSTI or ROSY?

Review these criteria:


  • If staying within LANL and contains STI: ROSY
  • If for unrestricted or controlled released outside LANL and contains STI: RASSTI
  • STI exchanged between external collaborators does not require an LA-UR/LA-CP, just DC review. However, if there is a possibility the material could be shared outside of the collaborators, it may be safest to get an LA# through RASSTI.

Nature of content:

  • If purely administrative: ROSY
  • If TPI (Triad Proprietary Information): ROSY
  • If scientific and technical information (STI) for unrestricted or controlled release: RASSTI
  • If does not contain scientific and technical information (STI): ROSY
  • Considered to be unclassified: ROSY and RASSTI can both be used for unclassified documents

Where work was done - does it need a RASSTI or ROSY review at all?

  • If work started here (even if have left the Lab): Yes
  • If work started earlier and was finished here: Yes if indicating LANL affiliation
  • If work was done elsewhere but LANL individuals participated and are co-authors: Yes

As a simple rule…if LANL affiliation, then submit it to for review!

For special situations or further classification questions, contact the Classification Office at https://fpprod.lanl.gov/mrcgi/dchelp.pl.

  • Last Updated Jun 04, 2024
  • Views 855
  • Answered By Brian Cain

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