How can I submit a dataset for review through RASSTI?


Any data you want to deposit into a public repository needs to go through RASSTI first. How you can do this:

  1. Go to RASSTI and fill out the appropriate metadata and distribution fields being sure to select Dataset for document type.
  2. You will upload an abstract PDF that describes your dataset, some explanation of experiment/observations, some README type info, a few examples from your dataset, and a point of contact. Or if your data can be converted into a PDF, then you could upload everything in one file.
  3. If you uploaded an abstract, then you would work with your reviewers to make sure that they have access to the data itself for their review. If it is a Full Review, the Classification Office (DFS-CL) will then review your abstract (or data PDF) and approve (as appropriate) following normal RASSTI procedure. If there is any question or concerns they may reach out to you for more information.
  • Last Updated Aug 27, 2020
  • Views 211
  • Answered By Brian Cain

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