How can I submit A/V materials for review through RASSTI?


You will login to RASSTI like normal and fill out the appropriate metadata and distribution fields. You will then upload a PDF abstract describing the A/V submission or a PDF of the slide deck if it is a presentation. Please include the length of the A/V material (IE: 5 minute video) in the Notes field on the submission page as well. Work with your DC and/or RLM reviewers to provide the media in whichever way they feel comfortable. For a Full Review, after the DC and RLM have approved in RASSTI, the Classification Office (DFS-CL) will contact you with a request to provide the media file to a classification analyst (CA) through The CA will review both the abstract in RASSTI and the material sent via transfer. The CA will approve (as appropriate) following normal RASSTI procedure and will include a request in the comments field that the media file be transferred to Research Library staff for archival purposes.

  • Last Updated Oct 30, 2020
  • Views 670
  • Answered By Brian Cain

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