I tried to publish an article through an agreement with the Research Library, but now I have an invoice to pay. What is happening?


This could be for a number of reasons.

  1. It could be that the LANL affiliation is not caught as the corresponding author.
  2. Some of our agreements with publishers have a limited number of publications that are allowed to be included, if the cap is reached that means that no more articles can be included and thus an invoice for payment would be generated.
  3. If you are publishing with AIP and you receive an invoice and it is not a standard article type but publishing special topics or conference proceedings, the Research Library does not fund these requests since we have a limited number of slots with AIP Publishing.
  4. If an article is not included, but should be this is something the Open Access Team will investigate.

In all cases, please reach out to the openaccess@lanl.gov so we may help assist with finding the solution for why this might be happening.



  • Last Updated Aug 16, 2023
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Elizabeth Moyer

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