Can the research library help me make my research data available? What are the steps and policies?


Yes, the research library can help you make your research data available. There are a few steps involved to submit data to repositories to be archived to the public. Here’s how:

1. Submit to RASSTI: Before depositing data in a public repository, you must first submit through RASSTI.
   - Visit RASSTI and select "Dataset" as the document type.
   - Upload a PDF abstract describing your dataset, along with relevant details (e.g., experiment/observations, README info, sample data, and a point of contact).
   - Work with reviewers to ensure they can access the data for review. The Classification Office will review and approve your submission.

2. Choose a Data Repository: After approval, select a suitable repository. Some repositories can be smaller and less maintained/stable, so any repository you choose make sure it has an active user/support base before depositing. If unsure, we can help you find one. Consider repositories like Figshare, Zenodo, or OSF, but ensure it has an active support base.

3. Obtain a DOE DOI: Once your data is uploaded, we can help you get a DOE DOI. Email, and we’ll assist with the DOE Data ID service and inclusion in the OSTI Data Explorer. If you prefer to use a non-DOE DOI, we can still include your data in the DOE Data Explorer. We can also include your data in the DOE Data Explorer that reuses a different DOI if you do not want the DOE DOI.

Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions!


  • Last Updated Aug 29, 2024
  • Views 143
  • Answered By Hannah Hamalainen

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